The Liebster Award

I am just 2 days shy of completing my one month at blogging and I got nominated for the Liebster Award!!!Yaaaaayyy!! I never thought success would touch my feet this early, I mean 22 posts only and awards and nominations already. I was preparing my thank you speech in my head the whole time I was in the train from uni to home. I really do hope I win. Ahem I mean may the best blogger win.

WHAATTT??? This isn’t what? This isn’t that type of award? What do you mean? What type? I am getting a trophy right? No???


So apparently Liebster Award is an online “award” that bloggers give to other bloggers. The aim is to recognize,discover and introduce new bloggers to the blogosphere. How lovely!! And here I was thinking of what food there would be at the award ceremony.

Jokes aside, I would love to thank the lovely Bushra for nominating me for my very first blogging award. Bushra is a nursing student who writes lovely posts on Islam which serve as a gentle reminder of where we stand and how to improve and also serve as a daily dose of spiritual health. Please follow her by clicking on Bushra and show her some love. (Sorry for the repetition of the words love and lovely in this paragraph. What can I do? Bushra IS lovely and writes lovely. Ok I shall stop.)

Based on my research, there are a set of rules for the Liebster award :

  1. Link back to the person who nominated you.
  2. Answer the questions given to you by the nominator.
  3. You can choose to nominate up to 11 bloggers with less than 500 followers.
  4. Create 11 questions for the nominees.
  5. Notify the nominees via social media.

Set of questions Bushra asked me were :

Why did you start your blog?

My brothers Khalid and Mikaeel were the ones with the idea. They suggested me to polish my writing so I could write a novel in the future. But blogging has given me a chance to share my experiences, my feelings and thoughts on a global platform where it is more interactive and fun than it would have been through a book for an author and her reader.

Have you ever been through something life-changing that brought you closer to Allah and Islam?

I never actively thought of death as something that could occur at my age. Last Ramadan, a guy who used to pray at the nearby mosque where I used to go pray Taraweeh with mum, passed away while he was on his way for Fajr prayer. He was 21, the same age as me at the time. That had a deep and profound impact on me and I realised that I need to be prepared for death as it doesn’t announce its arrival to anyone at anytime.

What are some qualities you look for in people to take as friends?

I am very shy. So its people who take the effort to make me their friend rather than me rocking up to them and getting to know them. But the special diamonds I keep close to me should be kind, funny, cheerful and who don’t take offense at the silliest things. They should also love to take risks and be open to group suggestions.

What are your favourite foods?

Pizza, enchiladas,anything chocolate (except chocolate and mint combo),chocolate brownies,chocolate souffle,custard, cakes, cake in custard, fried rice, pulaao (fried rice and boiled peas) with chicken curry, naan and katumba (types of roti).

What is your biggest fear?

Heights.Spiders too. I don’t know which I fear more.

Favourite ayah or hadith?

Aayah 13 of Surah Rahman(chapter 55) which translates to : So which of the favours of your Lord would you deny?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

This is so hard to answer because I only planned my life to end of this year. But in 5 years, I shall be 27, so hopefully married with a career. Or maybe married to my career haha if I become a successful writer in sha Allah.

Are you an introvert or extrovert?

Definitely introvert.

Favourite place to travel to?

Sooo many but number one on my bucket list is New York.

What makes you happy?

Chocolate and happy smiley people and sleeping in and writing.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

I can never say no to anyone and I hate that. I wish I could be headstrong and just say no.

Those were all the questions.

Without any further ado,let me announce the nominees. And they are(drumroll please) :

My questions to you are :

  1. Who/what inspired you to blog?
  2. What is one quality you love about yourself?
  3. What is one quality you dislike about yourself?
  4. What change would you like to bring to the world?
  5. What are your favourite books/movies?
  6. Favorite food items?
  7. Who is your inspiration/role model?
  8. What is one superpower you would love to have?
  9. What is your deepest darkest fear?
  10. What are your hobbies?
  11. Are you athletic? If yes, in what sport?

Good Luck and have fun answering.

***Image and gif via Google Images

14 thoughts on “The Liebster Award

  1. Can’t believe I kept calling you Aaliyah without even knowing that you’re like.. seven years older than me. Wow. But consider me badtameez han, I’ll call you Aaliyah anyway. 😛
    Glad to know that I’ve got all those qualities that you want to see in your friends. And Allie, did YOU write this post? Cause you don’t seem shy, not even introvert. I feel so damn special haha. 😀 Sowwie for this lame comment? I like you. Smile.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Loool thats ok. People here at blogosphere are chill. We leave our ages in the real world and just chat like school friends so don’t sweat about it. You are not badtameez.
      Hahaha trust me. I see you in real life and I am not as I am here. Totally different person. Real life log kahte hain Aaliyah se aawaz nahi nikalti aur bloggers sochte honge Aaliyah kabhi khaamosh nahi hoti haha.
      You are damn awesomely special. And your comment wasn’t lame at all. I like you tooo. And I am smiling wide.

      Liked by 1 person

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