Bingey Jumping

Current mood : lazy. Current action : procrastination. Currently drinking : orange juice. Currently web surfing : how to get motivated to study for 12 hours non stop with no breaks in between so that even if a tsunami comes rushing, it will have to wait coz ain’t nobody got time for interruptions.

A website suggested that as a motivation I should make a checklist of the things I wish to do after finishing my exams.

Here’s my checklist : (Warning : excessive repetitive use of the word binge. If you get allergic reactions or epileptic attacks at my continual verbose, scroll down with eyes closed for my important announcement.)

  1. Binge YouTubing
  2. Binge eating chocolates
  3. Binge sleeping
  4. Binge eating chocolates
  5. Binge reading new books
  6. Binge eating chocolates
  7. Binge WordPressing
  8. Eating chocolates
  9. Binge shopping
  10. Eating chocolates
  11. Binge cooking
  12. Eat chocolates
  13. Binge learning new languages
  14. Eat chocolates
  15. Binge visiting all attractions of Melbourne
  16. Eat chocolates
  17. Binge driving lessons
  18. Chocolates
  19. Binge visiting countries
  20. Trying out new chocolates
  21. Binge wedding planning
  22. Chocolates
  23. Binge attending parties
  24. To eat chocolates
  25. Binge meeting up with friends
  26. Chocolat
  27. Binge bungee jumping
  28. Chocola
  29. Binge cleaning out my wardrobe
  30. Chocol
  31. Binge starting a new hobby
  32. Choco
  33. Binge exercising (really?)
  34. Choc
  35. Binge pampering myself with facials and mani/pedis
  36. Cho
  37. Binge travelling the world
  38. Ch
  39. Binge helping out the elderly at senior homes
  40. C
  41. Can’t binge no more
  42. …..

Current mood : Satiated with a little bit of nausea. Current action : lying on the floor amid wrappers of chocolates. Currently drinking : Air. Currently web surfing : How to get up from the floor when your stomach is so full of chocolates you can’t even breathe.

As you can tell, I need to get a life. And according to desi protocol, one can only get a life with straight A’s and a perfect GPA score of 4.0. So I googled on how to achieve that and Google advised me to try out something risky and daring like getting off the internet and going out on a date with my textbooks and lecture notes. I am always up for adventures so I shall try it. And hence I shall be unavailable till the 12th of November. But like the Terminator says : I’ll be baak!! To binge read all yo posts and to binge write some of my own!!


P.S. That’s not me in the feature image. That’s my twin sister Aariyah 😛 We both love to binge-eat and I decided to click her photo in the act. She looks like she is thinking something deep in the photo but trust me she is not deep like me. The deepest thought she ever had was why are mornings called mornings and not mournings coz ya know, one mourns to have to get up to go to school/work?

89 thoughts on “Bingey Jumping

  1. After reaching how far will you stop?
    Affinity galloping you scares me.
    You have a way with you, that no body has. All the best for the future. 🙂


  2. Hahahahaha you are like me in so many ways geez! I have done this too thinking when my exams will be over I’ll do soo many things and everything I love…hardly anything happens xD AND YOU can never have enough chocolate!! How else will you keep those dementors away! Hahaha your twin sis poor girl (expecting she really is your twin or else I m just dumb xD) thats how u introduce her to us xD Geez Aliyah wahliya! Haha

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You and me, now we are twin sisters or soul sisters!! Ikr? Exams got over yesterday and I am just sitting on bed staring at the ceiling. Jokes, youtubing. At least I am binge youtubing 😛
      How did your exams go Jadey? Let’s have a chocolate party to celebrate!!
      LOL I wish I had a sister, let alone twin. And if you thought it was her, nope you are not dumb. I am just evil and I gotcha 😛

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Omg! I missed you soo much! I was like is she dead? Yay nope! Oh yess we are twin sissies maybe got separated in kumbh ka mela? haha . Exams were….Alright I guess? haha Oh yes lets have a chocolate party yay! Okay yeah you win this one xD You got me lady! haha

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Hahahaa I told you to hold my hand but you wanted that candy floss!!

        Exactly! No more exam talk! Until the results now xD
        *glares * Not fair!!! *stomps foot and cries* You cheated me! xD

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Funny post! Hope you dont get a tummy ache. Aaliyah and Aariyah. I can picture your mum yelling for either of you and both (or neither) of you show up. ‘No, she’s calling you, not me!’ or the other way round 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  4. hahaha 🙂 my sister always happens when I was studying! I was dozens of tea in between! currently i hv some similar situation with my extra dose of office work that i have to do from home and look where am i right now 😉 blogging 😀 i will hv a tea and nw go back to work 😦 😦 ,xoxo my Sis! Study hard ! n ys no less than 4 GPA 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow, you’re the ultimate binge-er! It’s like the ultimate way to binge-waste time! Haha, your posts crack me up though! I would tell you to study but you’re like a naughty child – you never listen! Ha, who am I kidding? Carry on eating, watching YouTube but just don’t binge do it! Keep your balance, okay? Best of luck, InshaAllah – you’re in my duas.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. hahahahah you know me Paper Girl. I am ze definition of naughty child 😛 And that’s the best advice I have ever gotten. To have fun but balance. Shall keep that in mind.
      Jazakallah gurrl. Exams went good due to your duas. I gotta give you a treat.


  6. :’)
    I can relate to the chocolates bit. And yeah I procrastinate too. I’ve got my exams in June next year. Haven’t so much as touched my notebooks. I’mma waiting for the last moment to stop procrastinating and actually cram some bit of it in my brain a week before the exam. Pathetic really.
    Lol, best of luck though. For your exams. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. June next year? Yeah that’s the way to go. Start preparing end of May. Chillax. Plenty of time.Not pathetic. Its called smart studying 😛 Don’t tell your mum and dad about my advice 😛
      Thanks Hiba for the wish. It went well.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Wow, and I wondered why my parents thought I make bad friends, XD
        I wish I could explain to them about my “smart studying” friends. 😛
        I’m glad they went well though 🙂
        Hopefully you’ll have a nice result too 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Is she really your twin? That’s so cool. And I think that it’s the thought of studying for 12hours straight that scares you so how about you try that with breaks, you could keep a few wraps of chocolate close by for inspiration 😀😝

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Listen! Just the it slowly. .you can start by studying for an hour daily and then eventually you ll find more stamina to study! Keep yourself calm..I can sense some panic but yeah chocolates helped you na 😜

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Whaaaattt?? You gave Loubnanya my chocolate? Hunting both of you down now. Like Liam Neeson said in the movie Taken : I will look for you, I will find you and I shall grab that chocolate off you. (Last bit was mine)
      Aww I am glad Inky.
      Thank you 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hahhaah I am flattered you remember the spider phobia or arachnophobia as they say. Well now you have just given me the brilliant idea. I shall book tickets for wee little spiders and send em across to you.Muahahhahaha.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. Allow me to binge on the word hilarious:

    1. The title is hilarious.
    2. The format of the piece is ingenious, which makes the whole thing hilarious.
    3. Your binging on chocolate is hilarious. (lol at the binge attending parties — to eat chocolates)
    4. The desi protocol is hilarious because it’s so true.
    5. Your sister is hilarious.

    P.S. I once tried binge eating kurkure. People say that is what messed me up. I don’t want to believe them.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. And allow me to binge on the word thank you :
      1. Thank you. I am glad you noticed.
      2. Thank you for appreciating the ingenuity.
      3. Hahaha its the truth though.I didn’t know people would actually read all my points line by line but you did so thank you.
      4. Ikr? Aunties be like beta achcha parhogi toh achcha ghar sambhaalogi like gee thank you aunty. I shall study Biotech to be a good homemaker. Sorry the thank you wasn’t for you in this instance 😛
      5. Whaat? I write this post and she gets called hilarious? No thank you.
      P.S. Binge eating kurkure really? You were already messed up before you binge ate it haha.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Really? Hmmm I never thought of it that way. I get a confidence boost in being anonymous and writing my inner thoughts that I would have never shared with anyone otherwise because its my inner self out here that people don’t know off.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s also correct and earlier times in the history also anonymity was used by even judges with the logic you just shared….

        Liked by 1 person

  10. Woww.. I was rofl here! 😛 haha… Lightened my mood and actually pushed off the bed mode – I was soo sleepy.. but this article woke me up completely! 😛 haha! 😉 ❤ You rocks lady! 😛

    Liked by 2 people

  11. I absolutely, truly, madly am in love with this post!! It is downright hilarious!! Ershad has some very serious competition! Keep giving us such posts to binge on and you’ll soon be officially my favourite humour blogger 😉 for now, go study. Good luck ❤

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ooooh myyy!!! That comment was even sweeter than all the chocolates I have had. Thank you so much Adi. Eeeks I am floating on clouds right now.
      Exams went well.All thanks to your constant reminder to go and study haha.
      I hope you have a 6 word story challenge for me waiting. Shall be stalking your blog now.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Hehe sister you are crazy, do you know that? Of course you will have a stomachache if you eat chocolate all the time!! At least, I know what to offer you if I ever meet you 😉

    Is she really your twin sister?? Masha’Allah I didn’t know you had one!! It must be so coooooll! 😉

    Liked by 2 people

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